Words related to category: Ts-M2.0 General Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
g̱ol tumbledown | nlaayt'ak landmark | spa̱= home of/place of | t'oots'ip fort | ts'mgyiika downstairs | waap building | wa̱p= house of | wa̱p amadaalsk church | wa̱p dap courthouse | wa̱p dikłee jail | wa̱p dz'ots church | wa̱p guk kitchen | wa̱p gwüni'itsnsk theater | wa̱p g̱alts'ap community hall | wa̱p int habool g̱alts'ap band office | wa̱p int onda xaldaawxłk nursing station | wa̱p laałk hotel | wa̱p laam liquor store | wa̱p liheediksa pool | wa̱p lisa'yl cinema | wa̱p luhayaaksa̱ laundry | wa̱p lut'oomim ha'liliitsx library | wa̱p 'nłuudisk museum | wa̱p sabootk boathouse | wa̱p sabutk shoe repair shop | wa̱p sahoon cannery | wa̱p saksilsk cleaners | wa̱p sa'wünsk news stand | wa̱p sigwaantk kitchen | wa̱p sip'iyaansk smokehouse | wa̱p siipk hospital | wa̱p suwilaay'msk school | wa̱p txooxk restaurant | wa̱p tseg̱a̱la̱k fire hall | wa̱p wa̱n living room | wa̱p xsan casino/bingo hall |